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Fall is almost over and winter’s just around the corner, which can mean additional potential hazards for construction sites. The best way to stay safe is to start preparing now and keep on-site staff informed about winter procedures and precautions. We’ve created a quick checklist to use as a reference in preparation for the impending winter season.

  • Weather Appropriate Clothing – All staff and subcontractors should be prepared for cold days outside and arrive at work with clothes and shoes appropriate for preventing hypothermia and frostbite. Multiple layers and back-up pairs of socks are advised.
  • Fire Safety Precautions – All temporary heating equipment should comply with local fire code requirements.
  • Secure Temporary Structures – Secure all scaffolding, sidewalk sheds and fencing in preparation for icy or stormy conditions.
  • Safeguard Pipes – Frozen pipes should be thawed with a heat gun, heat lamp or space heater. Never use an open flame, as it can lead to steam explosions.
  • Debris Removal – At the end of each day remove loose or discarded debris to prevent materials falling or being strewn around at street level during potential inclement weather. Also, this will ensure debris buried by overnight snow will not pose a hazard to crews the next morning.
  • Safeguard Water Tanks – Check rooftop water tanks to confirm they are protected from freezing.
  • Avoid Icy Conditions – Prohibit all work on scaffolding and limit (when possible) rooftop work when covered in snow, ice or freezing rain.
  • Conduct Winter Safety Audits – Review cold weather procedures with staff regarding winter tools and equipment. Confirm any necessary tools, such as snow clearing and de-icing equipment, are on hand and at the ready.
  • Create a Pathway – Maintain designated safe pathways free from snow and ice by shoveling and salting when necessary. Be sure not to pile snow too high to avoid drifts and re-freezing of melted snow, as well as to keep sight lines clear.

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